Visionary Implants Measured for Success
Aravis BioTech is developing implanted medical devices that help determine the status of fracture healing.
One in ten Americans will break a hip in their lifetime. Complications include slow, suboptimal surgeries, poorly informed decisions, frustrating communications, medical costs, and more. Add to that the struggle and guesswork of deciding if a fracture has healed properly.
In order to combat some of these complications, Aravis BioTech is developing implanted medical devices with user friendly sensors that can provide the ability to determine the status of fracture healing and when the patient can safely apply weight to their fracture. The new devices paired with the use of X-ray’s will allow physicians to see how the bone is doing and can be used to make better, more informed decisions when it comes to a patient’s health.
Our Value Proposition
What does our technology mean for physicians?
Physicians will have a faster way to check in on fractures to see how they’re healing. The implants can make existing diagnostic protocols (like X-ray’s) more useful since the imaging will be more conclusive.
What does our technology mean for patients?
The introduction of an implanted medical device like this will allow for improved healing tracking, quicker rehabilitation, and better communication between patients and their doctors.
What does our technology mean for liability and risks?
Ultimately less complications, revisions, and deaths. Fracture reductions can be done faster and will potentially have fewer complications, therefore resulting in less liability. Overall there is the possibility for cost savings as well.
Contact Us
Have a question or want to learn more about Aravis BioTech? Feel free to reach out!